Can A Guinea Pig Have Too Much Vitamin C? {What Will Happen?}

Should you be concerned about your guinea pig not getting enough Vitamin C or Can A Guinea Pig Have Too Much Vitamin C?

What if you give too much Vitamin C to your guinea pig?

In this article, we’ll find out if your guinea pig may suffer from receiving too much Vitamin C.

Can A Guinea Pig Have Too Much Vitamin C?

Yes, Too much vitamin C may result in kidney stones, bladder stones, arthritis, reduced sensitivity to utilize vitamin C or poor growth for young guinea pigs.

Why Is Vitamin C Important For Guinea Pigs?

Vitamin C cannot be naturally produced by your guinea pig. This ascorbic acid promotes healthy:

  • bones
  • blood vessels
  • connective tissues
  • collagen production
  • overall immune system function

It’s vital to supplement your guinea pig’s main diet of hay and pellets with vitamin C rich foods. You may also use vitamin C liquid in a bottls to offer exact daily doses to your guinea pig.

What Happens If My Guinea Pig Doesn’t Get Enough Vitamin C?

A guinea pig with a deficiency in vitamin C will develop many health issues including:

  • lethargy
  • overall weakness
  • unable to move well
  • stiff joints 
  • body pain
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • diarrhea
  • discharge from nose and eyes
  • wheezing
  • loss of fur
  • skin irritation

If you notice any of these symptoms above, a trip to the vet would be strongly recommended. A professional determination will include a diet rich in vitamin C.

How Much Vitamin C Does A Guinea Pig Need?

The exact dose of vitamin C that is recommended by professionals varies slightly. A range between the following numbers will help satisfy the daily vitamin C needs for your guinea pig:

  • 10-30 milligrams per day

The larger the guinea pig,  the more vitamin C you should be offering through foods or liquid supplementation.

What Happens If I Give Too Much Vitamin C To My Guinea Pig?

Vitamin C is able to be processed by the kidneys and moves through the urine of your guinea pig. Too much vitamin C would be in the area of:

  • 100 milligrams per l per day

Too much vitamin C could result in:

  • kidney stones
  • bladder stones
  • arthritis 
  • reduced sensitivity to utilize vitamin C
  • poor growth for young guinea pigs

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Should I Give My Guinea Pig Liquid Vitamin C?

If your guinea pig is showing any signs of a vitamin C deficiency or isn’t enjoying fresh vegetables and fruits, then supplementing with liquid vitamin C will help.

This pure liquid solution shouldn’t be mixed with other supplements or vitamins. Do not add it to their water bottles because it will degrade and lose its effectiveness. Your guinea pig may not enjoy the taste as well.

Most vitamin C bottles indicate a portion of 250 milligrams per teaspoon. Try to keep the dose for your guinea pig at or under 1/8 of a teaspoon.

What Are The Best Vitamin C Foods For My Guinea Pig?

Vitamin C is contained in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables for your guinea pig to enjoy. Be aware that many vitamin C rich fruits contain high sugar and acid as well.

Off smaller portions less than the size of your finger containing these fruits 1-2 times a week:

  • kiwi
  • orange
  • melon

The following vegetables are rich in vitamin C, but high in calcium. Feed your guinea pig these dark greens 1-3 times a week:

  • cabbage
  • turnip greens
  • beetroot greens

Here are our favorite vitamin C rich foods you can feed your guinea multiple times a week in small portions to equal 10-30 milligrams.

  • red peppers
  • kale
  • parsley
  • broccoli
  • guava

How Can I Provide Vitamin C To My Guinea Pig?

There are multiple forms of vitamin C delivery for your guinea pig’s nutritional needs. The following methods are the most common:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • formulated guinea pig pellets
  • chewable vitamin tablets
  • liquid vitamin C in bottles

A 1/8 teaspoon portion of liquid bottles should suffice per day. Check each fruit or vegetables to equal a total of 10-30 milligrams per day. Chewable tablets may already be dosed out at 25 milligrams.

How Do I Get My Guinea Pig To Eat A Vitamin C Tablet?

If you would like train your guinea pig to eat chewable vitamin C tablets, start slowly. Break it in half and let your guinea sniff it.

Leave it in the enclosure or hold it in your hand. You can always crush the tablet and place it in romaine lettuce or sprinkle it on top of a bell pepper slice or on their pellets.

Do Guinea Pigs Get Scurvy?

Scurvy may occur in guinea pigs when they are lacking vitamin C. It could cause pain and leave your guinea pig susceptible to many other diseases or internal bleeding.

Vitamin C is vital for immune system health and cell function. Guinea pigs can’t synthesize vitamin C internally and without making sure they get enough, they can develop scurvy as a result.


Your guinea pig can develop problems that escalate rather quickly when there is a deficiency in vitamin C. The same goes for when guinea pigs are being overfed vitamin C being and overcompensated. We may go over the the top sometimes and offer too many fresh fruits and vegetables.

Liquid vitamin C or chewable vitamin C tablets can be easily used to offer correct doses. 10-30 milligrams per day is enough to keep your guinea pig away from developing scurvy or showing symptoms of lethargy and weakness.

A deficient guinea pig can be fed 50 milligrams a day while going over 100 milligrams would be too much. Growth of young guinea pigs can get stunted or kidney stones could occur in older guinea pigs with too much vitamin C.

We hope you are able to keep the supply of vitamin C at a constant and try a varied approach to deliver it to your guinea pig.


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