Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges or Mandarins? {Ok For Them To Eat?}

Have you ever wondered if bearded dragons can eat oranges? Are you worried that they may be allergic to oranges?

In this write-up, I will be teaching you whether it’s safe or not for your bearded dragon to eat oranges.

So Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges?

It is not recommended to feed your bearded dragon oranges because they contain to much adcdic and will upset their tummy if they eat to much orange.

Do bearded dragons like oranges?

Bearded dragons love oranges just as much as they love other fruits. However, this is because they are omnivores, who feed on any food they can get their hands upon, including plants and animals.

Can bearded dragons eat oranges

Generally, a bearded dragon’s body system does not welcome citruses because it irritates their digestive tract. Oranges are high in water, sugar, oxalic acid, and citric acid which causes a negative reaction in the digestive tract of the animal and may lead to diarrhea or dehydration.

Too much watery foods in your beardie’s diet may cause diarrhea and if it lasts for a significant period, it may lead to dehydration. Dehydration occurs when there’s a significant loss of body fluids and the body lacks enough water to perform normal functions.

How much orange should you feed to a bearded dragon?

It is not advisable to feed your bearded dragon citrus fruits, to avoid health problems like diarrhea and dehydration. However, considering its high nutritional value, you may choose to give your pet a very little amount of low-acid oranges like mandarin, once in a while.

Just as too much sugar causes excess fat and other health problems in humans, oranges may also cause your bearded dragon to become overweight. Obese reptiles are open to serious health issues and when it comes to bearded dragon fat, there is no safe zone.

A thick tail base, hidden spine or ribs, distended abdomen, distended jowl, and bulging pockets behind the arms are all signs of an overweight bearded dragon. Excess fat opens your pet up to serious health risks including fatty liver disease, prolapses (sagging of the organs), dystocia (difficult or obstructed birth), short lifespan, and organ dysfunction.

Although it is often overlooked, foods that are high in sugar and are acid may also cause dental problems for your beardie. They are prone to developing periodontal diseases that may worsen into severe calculus buildup, gingivitis (inflammation of the gum), gingival recession, and deep bone infections.

If you want to feed your bearded dragon fruit take a look at the below video to see what fruit you can feed them

[youtube v=”pdZ6utfQNxs”]

Can bearded dragons eat mandarin oranges?

Some experts believe that bearded dragons can eat mandarin oranges because it is low in acidity compared to regular oranges. However, it may still be irritating to a bearded dragon’s system; hence, it may be best to avoid citruses altogether.

Mandarin has high calcium to phosphorus ratio, while all other types of oranges contain more phosphorus than calcium. If you decide to feed citrus to your dragon, mandarin oranges would be the best option because they are relatively high in calcium.

Although in low amounts, mandarin also contains oxalic acid and citric acid which may irritate your beardie’s system. Mandarins have high sugar which may cause obesity, fatty liver disease, diabetes, and heart failure.

If you still chose to give your beardie citrus fruits, here are some reasons why mandarin is your safest option:

  • Significantly low-acid levels compared to other citruses; hence, may not irritate your beardie’s stomach as much
  • It has dietary fiber and is packed with nutrients and minerals such as potassium and manganese
  • Rich in vitamin C and A
  • High in calcium, which helps your pet’s skeletal development

Can bearded dragons eat orange peels?

Just as it isn’t safe for bearded dragons to eat citrus fruits or juice, the peels aren’t healthy for them either. Although orange peels have a lot of calcium, they also contain oxalic acid and orange oil, neither of which are good for your bearded dragon’s health.

A high amount of oxalic acid can be fatal to a bearded dragon. It fuses with calcium and inhibits absorption into the bloodstream. Calcium is a key nutrient for normal development and too much oxalic acid can cause serious damage to their skeletal structure over time. This condition is called metabolic bone disease (MBD) and is a serious and common health condition in bearded dragons.

Also, the texture of the peel isn’t suitable for the beardie to eat or digest well. Citrus fruit peels have high acidity and may irritate the stomach lining of your beardie.

Can I Give Orange Juice to My Bearded Dragon?

It is not healthy to give orange juice to your bearded dragon because it may lead to excessive water intake, which causes diarrhea. It is also high in fruit acids which may irritate the beardie’s digestive tract and contains high amounts of sugar that may lead to obesity.

While many pet owners have the habit of sharing foods with their animal buddies, in some cases it may be dangerous to the animal’s health. It is not advisable to share your orange juice with your bearded dragon as it may be detrimental to its health.

Like most fruits, oranges are low in calcium, which is an essential nutrient for bearded dragons. Calcium deficiency is the main cause of metabolic bone disease in bearded dragons.

Mandarin oranges have low acid and high calcium levels than other citruses. If you decide to give your dragon orange juice, mandarin would be the best option because they are relatively high in calcium and not as acidic.

Benefits of oranges for bearded dragons

Although we don’t encourage you to give your bearded dragon oranges, some believe that its high nutritional content makes it worth giving to your pet once in a while. Let’s take a look at the nutritional value of oranges.

  • Sugar
  • Protein
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Carbohydrates

Pet owners are required to weigh between the health advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of using oranges as fruits for bearded dragons. Citrus fruits can either be bad or good for the beardies depending on the amount that is offered.

If you will consider giving your beardie any citrus fruit, mandarin oranges are the safest options because they have significantly low acid levels compared to the others. You may choose to give your beardie mandarin oranges once in a while.